For Salinity and land reclamation
Our technology addresses high sodium content in topsoil very efficiently. Rescaype is able to restore degraded and salted land.
Salinity and reclamation general overview
Also we revolutionize erosion control with biotech solutions, safeguarding agriculture from soil loss, enhancing yields, and ensuring sustainable land use for thriving agricultural practices.

Salinization remains one of the major challenges facing agriculture in the world, particularly in areas with persistent droughts and sea level rise. It significantly affects agriculture by negatively impacting almost all aspects of plant development, including germination, reproductive development, and vegetative growth. Salinization also limits agricultural productivity levels by creating osmotic stress, ion toxicity, nutrient deficiency, and oxidative stress for plants. Oxidative stress and osmotic toxicity lower the water uptake in plants to slow growth rate.
Many soils today have an unacceptable high Sodium content, sometimes further increased by extensive use of synthetic fertilizers (mostly salts!) and groundwater irrigation usage (slight salt content). According to the FAO, the global area of salt-affected soils covers 424 million hectares of topsoil (0–30 cm) and 833 million hectares of subsoil (30–100 cm) (based on 73% of the land mapped so far) (FAO, 2021a). The Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) also reported that as of 2018, about 190 million acres of land are completely lost, 150 million acres are damaged, and 2.5 billion acres are impacted by salinization. Other studies show that 1 billion hectares of land are negatively affected by salinity, including more than 20% of all the irrigated arable land (Ghassemi et al., 1995; Qadir et al., 2014).

Rescaype biotech solution to erosion creates an effective way out of the erosion menace while saving cost, improving yield, ensuring sustainability, and enhancing land restoration. Rescaype works by holding minerals and fertilizers around the roots and promotes efficient nutrient exchange while minimizing leakage. It also holds soil moisture by retaining space for water and oxygen to penetrate the soil, resulting in more efficient use of water and limited runoff consequently boosting harvest in quantity and quality with flowing results. In an actual trial with post-fire runoff and erosion control, treatment with Rescaype reduced sediment erosion by 80% and sediment concentrations by 68%. Similarly, erosion control tests differential erosion on silt loam plots at 45% slope under rainfall simulation were drastic to further highlight the effectiveness and versatility of this solution.
Traditional erosion control and management approaches have not proven very effective over the past years. They also require higher costs, which minimize profit without guaranteeing improved quality and quantity of agricultural yield. Rescaype is set to redefine the future of agriculture through innovative solutions for various agricultural challenges.

If you have more questions about Ground Improver, don't hesitate to contact us!